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Letzte Lexikoneinträge
LILIPUT (Firmengeschichte)
Angstlokomotive / Angstlok
[1-9] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
[I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q]
[R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
Fahrbetrieb | train operation |
Fahrdienst | rail service |
Fahrdraht | catenary wire, overhead wire |
Fahreigenschaften | driving characteristics |
Fahrerlaubnis | track warrant |
Fahrgast | passenger |
Fahrgerät | throttle |
Fahrgeschwindigkeit | driving speed |
Fahrgestell,Gehäuse | chassis, running gear |
Fahrkarte | ticket |
Fahrkartenschalter | booking office, ticket office |
Fahrkopf der Schiene | head of the rail |
Fahrleitung | catenary |
fahrleitungsabhängige Bremse | electro dynamic braking dependent of line supply |
Fahrplan | timetable, schedule |
Fahrpult | driver's console |
Fahrstraße | pre-set route |
Fahrstraße | route, pre-set route |
Fahrstufe | regulating notch, regulating step, running step |
Fahrt abzweigend | proceed diverging route |
Fahrt frei mit Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkung | slow approach |
Fahrt frei | approach |
Fahrt für Rangierfahrten | approach for shunt movements |
Fahrt geradeaus | proceed tangent route |
Fahrtrichtung | direction of traffic, direction of travel |
Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger | route-indicating signal |
Fahrtrichtungsschalter | reverse unit |
Fahrtsignal | proceed signal |
Fahrweg | roadway |
Fahrwerk | driving and coupled axles |
Fahrzeit | time of travel |
Fahrzeug | car, vehicle |
Fahrzeugausrüstung | vehicle equipment |
Fahrzeugrahmen | frame |
Faltenbalg | gangway bellows |
Faltenbalgübergang | corridor connection |
Farbe | color (us), colour (uk) |
Feder | clip, spring |
Fehlercode | error code |
Feldbahn | industrial railway (uk), industrial railroad (us) |
Feldmagnet | field magnet |
Feldspule | field |
Fenster | window |
Fernschnellzug | long distance fast train |
Fernsteuerung | remote control |
Fernzug | long-distance train, main-line train |
Fertigungstolerenz | production tolerance |
Feuerbüchse, Feuerkammer | fire box |
Feuerrost | grate |
Flachdach | flat roof |
Flachstelle | flat spot |
Flachwagen | boom car, flatcar |
Flachwagen | flat car |
Flügelmutter | butterfly nut |
Flügelsignal | semaphore signal |
Formatfehler | format error |
Formsignal | mechanical signal, semaphore signal |
Formular, Eingabemaske | form |
Freilaufdiode | free-wheeling diode |
Frontplatte | front plate |
Führerstand | driver's cab |
Führerstandbeleuchtung | driver's compartment lighting |
Führungsschiene | guard rail |
Funkenfänger | spark catcher, spark arrester |
Funkkanal | channel |
Funktionsausgang | function output |
Funktionsbaustein | function block |
Funktionstaste | control key, function key |
Funkuhr | radio clock |