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Mittwoch 08. Oktober 2008
Halloween on train: "Spookomotive" complete with Skeleton Crew haunts Old Sacramento
For three weekends in October, the California State Railroad Museum will bring its popular “Spookomotive” train back to life
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- The California State Railroad Museum will bring its popular “Spookomotive” train back to life as part of Fall Harvest Days taking place in Old Sacramento Historic District.
In addition to the popular train rides, visitors can enjoy Halloween-themed fun such as hayrides, scarecrows and family-friendly activities. “Spookomotive” trains operate Saturday and Sunday, October 11-12, and continue the weekends of October 18-19 and October 25-26.
For these three weekends only, “Spookomotive” trains depart on-the-hour from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., departing at the Central Pacific Railroad Freight Depot at Front and “K” Streets in Old Sacramento.
The diesel-powered “Spookomotive” pulls the whimsically decorated train, crawling with spiders, cobwebs and cornstalks and staffed by a “skeleton crew.” Climb aboard for a fun-filled, 40-minute, six-mile roundtrip ride along the Sacramento River. All aboard for Halloween fun!
“Spookomotive” train tickets are $8 for adults, $3 for youths ages 6-17, children ages 5 and under ride free. Admission to the California State Railroad Museum—North America’s finest and most-visited—is $8 for adults, $3 for youths ages 6-17, ages 5 and under free.
For more information about California State Railroad Museum events and activities, visit www.californiastaterailroadmuseum.org or call (916) 445-6645. For Fall Harvest Days information, call (916) 558-3912 or visit www.oldsacramento.com.
Von: News Release California State Railroad Museum